Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2 weeks 5 days and counting...

It has been 2 weeks since I have been home from the hospital. It feels like longer. All the days seem to blend in...

My biggest challenge is to get comfortable. Sitting, laying, and standing...nothing seems to feel "right". Sleeping is the worst. I can't sleep on my back. It feels like I'm lying on a bunch of cords. The only side I can sleep on is my right side, where my curve use to be. Sleeping on my left feels weird and hurts after a few minutes. We rented a recliner from rent a center, which I highly recommend if you don't have one. It at least allows me a place to sit to watch tv, even if I can only sit in it for a hour or so before I have to get up to walk around.

My other challenge is staying positive. It's so hard not to do the things I did before. My fiance has to help me with most everything. Getting dress, showering, you name it. Not saying I'm unable to do these things by myself completely, its mainly when I'm in pain/stiff I have to ask him for help. I am trying my best to believe that I will get better, but its still so hard. I so badly want freedom again and just to feel normal. I'm tired of always feeling sore and being in pain. It can get very frustrating for me. My fiance is doing an amazing job with keeping me going, as well as, it really helps when I have my friends visit me. My best advice is have one friend visit you a day or schedule an outing or something to do. Even if it is a walk around the neighborhood. It helps me to get my mind of my situation and pass the time.

Talking about outings: I have been able to go out to eat 3 times since coming home! :) I have to bring a ton of pillows with me, but I have been able to sit in a car for short distances. I even was able to eat valentines day dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant. So I guess going threw this  hasn't been all bad. :)

Tomorrow I have my second Physical Therapy appointment. I started on Monday and I am scheduled to go 3 times per week. Aqua therapy is so far my favorite. It feels good up have some pressure off my back!

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